Tuesday 31 March 2015

UP Police Flag day History

Stories establish personalities and history creates an organisation. 23/11/1952 is a historic day in UP Police organisation, when first PM of India gave ' Police Colour ' (flag) to UP Police. This flag reflects our character and is symbolic to our proud history of how we have served nation and public with success, courage and dutifulness which includes supreme sacrifices too. This flag is inspirational for us and hoisting this flag generates new energies within us.

Sanjeev Tyagi IPS

Sanjeev Tyagi IPS
History of flags is associated with Napoleon Bonaparte. Force units going to different wars use to have separate flags to maintain their own unique identities and had their flag hoisted on battleground. In battleground sainik were ever ready to sacrifice self for honour of their flag. For identification of units involved in different missions earlier, Napoleon started tradition of wearing flag symbol ribbon on upper left side of heart. We all uniformed forces have accepted the same French tradition. Significance of flag is also seen in Mahabharata. Arjuna chariot had a flag in Kurukshetra war between Kaurava  and Pandavas. History is evident that this flag inspiration resulted in victory of righteousness.

In the same manner this flag of UP Police also inspires us to follow our professional duty.

By Sanjeev Tyagi IPS

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