Monday 6 April 2015

Women Empowerment

In modern social discourse , Gender sensitivity has deservingly come up as a major social issue.  The limelight on the issue is so much that everyday public sphere is majorly occupied by incidents, comments , events , initiatives , discussions etc centred around it. One of the best fruit of democracy is that structural injustice or discriminations that got built up in social existence of our evolutionary development can come into common notice easily now. Society can be made to realise the ill-effects of existing structures and can be forced to self correct by common will. Press , Tv , social media etc have given some sort of institutional basis to this much needed process in our existence.

This issue is so complex that despite so much of debate in public sphere still we see various approaches to universally acceptable outcomes on the issue. Female and Male co-existence is intricately linked and it was always nurtured by evolving cultural values throughout ages. The roots of the process are so deep that this whole discrimination got ingrained not just in culture but psyche too with biological consequences.
Sanjeev Tyagi IPS

God made man-women different to work together as complimentary. Because man used less of his mental capacities (unexpectedly by god in his design ) and more of his physical strength , this difference got evolved into discrimination and prolonged discrimination led to its systemic build up that got ingrained in social structures. ( i wonder how beautiful our world would have been, had it evolved along a perfectly harmonious co-existence of both the sexes. )

Female no doubt have been discriminated against historically. Man has misused his physical strength and later other accumulated strengths to create a systemic discriminatory social structure. But how deep this discrimination is and what needs to be done to correct it , is still not clearly articulated in common public sphere. All public figures from different cultures are coming up with their own versions of understanding about the issue. A coherent and comprehensive literature analysing complex practical aspects of this sensitive and delicate issue is still not easily n widely available in public sphere.

Even when it will get sufficiently articulated in public sphere, many will find it difficult to grasp the complexity of the process.

Humans act on their beliefs and convictions. Their behaviour is largely guided by what they believe in. Man is not evil by nature , he becomes evil because of wrong beliefs formed by bad experiences and acting on those wrong convictions. If decently educated youth can be transformed into terrorists and suicide bomber by training , misguided men can be vice-versa trained to act in socially beneficial way. Its about training.

There is an urgent need of educating various sections of society by clearly articulating the issue and its aspects, so that individuals get in sync on issue and local cultural values evolve to assert pressure of change on existing discriminatory social structure along universal values.

The solution to a wrong can not be another wrong. Rebellion is justifiably understandable but should not be a norm in a civilised society. If rebellion is what will make society conscious of the issue and force it to change then the society is not living a healthy life. Civilised society adapt by understanding and realising not by pressure or force.

Till the time we don't have that utopian scenario of perfectly civilised society , we will have to use less resource intensive and easier means of enforcing change. Given the deep and wide roots of problem we need to have very strong n intelligent laws covering all related aspects.

Lastly, the underlying theme of all efforts should not be woman versus man but woman and man together in harmony in beautiful journey called life.

By Sanjeev Tyagi IPS

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