Monday 13 April 2015

Freedom of Speech and Expression in Cyberspace

In Union of India v. Assn. for Democratic Reforms the Supreme court said :“One sided information, disinformation, misinformation and non-information, all equally create an uninformed citizenry which makes democracy a farce. Freedom of speech and expression includes right to impart and receive information which includes freedom to hold opinions”.

U/A 19 of our constitution reasonable restrictions can be imposed on this fundamental right on several grounds.
Sanjeev Tyagi

Some people advocate there should be complete freedom on speech and expression at least in cyberspace. Some extended the geographical limits of this complete freedom to the physical world by doing events like AIB. They argue they deserve complete freedom everywhere and why only cyberspace.

Monday 6 April 2015

Women Empowerment

In modern social discourse , Gender sensitivity has deservingly come up as a major social issue.  The limelight on the issue is so much that everyday public sphere is majorly occupied by incidents, comments , events , initiatives , discussions etc centred around it. One of the best fruit of democracy is that structural injustice or discriminations that got built up in social existence of our evolutionary development can come into common notice easily now. Society can be made to realise the ill-effects of existing structures and can be forced to self correct by common will. Press , Tv , social media etc have given some sort of institutional basis to this much needed process in our existence.

This issue is so complex that despite so much of debate in public sphere still we see various approaches to universally acceptable outcomes on the issue. Female and Male co-existence is intricately linked and it was always nurtured by evolving cultural values throughout ages. The roots of the process are so deep that this whole discrimination got ingrained not just in culture but psyche too with biological consequences.
Sanjeev Tyagi IPS